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Welcome to our Parish Website.

Building a Sacred Community

Through our Parish Communities in Staithes, Loftus, and Brotton, we have been connecting people to the heart of God since the Good News reached our shores centuries ago. The message of Jesus is truly 'Good News' as Saint John the Apostle put it, 'think of the love that the Father has lavished upon us by letting us be called Gods Children'. This is what we are; a child of God whom we come to praise and worship every time we gather around the Altar.

Our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our Church communities, with its own character, stained glass windows, and artwork that helps us to raise our minds and hearts to God. At our services we gather together to listen to the Scriptures; the Word of God, and apply it to our everyday life. After we have listened to the Scriptures our attention is turned to the Altar. This reminds us and makes present once again the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples.


Being fed with God's Word and by the bread and wine; which becomes the body and blood of Jesus we are inwardly transformed into an 'alter Christus' or 'another Christ. Filled with his teaching and receiving His body and blood in Holy Communion we take Jesus out into the world in order so that the words we profess in the 'Our Father' may truly become a reality that His Kingdom comes amongst us and His Will be done within us. Being a Catholic is a beautiful way of life, carrying Jesus into our broken world, so that He may make all things new. Just as Jesus proclaimed liberty to captives, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, raising people from the dead, so too are we called to share in the Healing and Redemptive work of Jesus.


Why not come and join us? Become a part of our growing congregation in the East Cleveland area. You're always welcome to join us; no matter who or what you are, or where you have come from. Jesus welcomed everyone, and so we must do the same.

Fr. Simon

What We Do

Breaking Barriers, Opening Doors


Sharing the Gospel

One of our goals is to share with one another the saving message that Jesus gave to His Church.

In a Post-Covid World filled with uncertainties, one can find a stronghold in our Catholic Faith. Contact us to learn more.

Visiting the Sick
and House-bound

Now that most of us are beginning to get back to some form of normality and we feel safer visiting one another.


We are beginning again to visit all the sick and housebound of our community to offer them sure support, through our care, prayers, and sacraments of the Church.


We also stream live all of our services on Facebook and YouTube.

Outreach in our Community

We have a monthly coffee morning at the Presbytery where everyone is welcome.

Also, we pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 pm online on a Friday using Zoom.

Finally, at 6 pm we pray The Holy Rosary, from Monday to Friday again online using Zoom.

Contact Us

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